In these financially strained economic times and with the confusion surrounding the affordable care act, it’s important to keep your employees’ morale boosted with well-provided group benefits.
Advantages for employers include tax deductible expenditures; attraction for qualified employees; a healthy workforce, and the fact that group benefits can be provided in exchange for monetary compensation. There are a lot of different group benefits available to purchase for you and your employees here are just a few;
While times may be tough for businesses it is also for your employees, it’s important to keep good workers around by continuing to offer them valuable benefits. Whether you offer group health insurance for your employees or are just offering them group benefits to help take the sting out of the large deductibles being offered for individual health insurance, it is important to be aware of your employees circumstances. For more information on great group benefits at great rates for you, contact us today! We’re Safeguard Insurance, an independent insurance agency based in Contoocook, New Hampshire.