The Concerned Insured: Getting your Concord NH SR-22

Why do I need a Concord NH SR-22?
When required by the State of New Hampshire, an individual will have to purchase auto insurance. Usually, someone would find themselves in this position when they get a DWI and lose their license. The Concord NH SR-22 is a form that notifies the State of NH that you have at least the minimum liability on your vehicle or on your license. In New Hampshire the minimum liability required is 25/50/25 with uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage equal, and minimum medical payment coverage’s of $1000.
Where do I go for my Concord NH SR-22?
After purchasing the coverage, SafeguardĀ Insurance can do one of two things: we can send a copy to the State of NH for you; or we can provide you with a copy that you can bring to Concord, NH Department of Motor Vehicles where you can reclaim your license. The DMV will return your license to you when the SR-22 has been filed and entered into their records.
What else should I know?
It may seem a tedious process to get a Concord NH SR-22 but the important part is that you are purchasing insurance. Auto insurance in New Hampshire is not required, and most people take advantage of that fact. The State of New Hampshire will require you to purchase insurance when you are involved in an accident in which you were at fault, or you got a DUI without insurance and lost your license. If you are in an accident without insurance, you will be forced to pay for any damages, where an insurance policy would usually cover the loss.
SafeguardĀ Insurance is your local friendly Concord NH insurance agency. We have a combined 50 years of experience taking care of our clients.
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